We’ve all heard that meditation is good for us, but beyond “It’s relaxing”, we might not be sure exactly why. The truth is that you can experience a multitude of both direct and indirect benefits from meditation ,so in this post we are going to look at what is meditation , how to meditate and what are the benefits of mediation .
let’s know about what is meditation ,
Essentially meditation is a technique you use to train your mind. It can be used to enhance relaxation, prepare for a task, cultivate awareness, boost energy or develop your sense of things like compassion, love or forgiveness. Some techniques such as mantra, mindfulness and prayer involve focused thought like concentrating on an object, your breath, a word, a phrase, or simply paying attention to the present moment. It can be done anywhere, any time. It can be done with your eyes closed or open, sitting, standing, walking, lying down or moving in any way, and you can use aids to help focus your attention such as music or prayer beads.
Meditation is a workout for your brain that strengthens your ability to focus. Better focus leads to better performance, higher creativity, reduced stress, and presence: the ability to be fully immersed in a situation.
Following 6 reasons why you should meditate :
1. Meditation boosts your immune system
One of the most commonly cited benefits of meditation is that it is relaxing. While this is certainly true (and feels great) there are a number of second-hand benefits you can experience as a result of this relaxation. One of these is a stronger immune system
2. To improves fertility
Just as stress has a negative impact on our immune system, it can also affect our fertility. According to WebMD, scientists aren’t sure of the exact link between stress and fertility issues, however, test subjects that took part in stress-reduction techniques were more likely to get pregnant.
3. To improves self-acceptance
When we meditate, we become more aware of, and more capable of controlling, our thoughts. A key part of meditation revolves around noticing our thoughts without judging them or getting caught up in their stories or meanings. This helps us to develop a different perspective on our internal dialogue, develop a greater understanding of ourselves, and practice noticing our thoughts and feelings without attaching meaning or judgement to them.
4. To improves self-confidence
Our self-confidence is built on the stories we have about ourselves, so just as meditation helps us develop self-acceptance, it also works to build our self-esteem. When negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves come up during meditation, we practice simply noticing them in the moment. Over time, this leaves us better able to handle negative internal dialogue outside of meditation too.
5 . To improves creativity
Creative blocks are caused by a number of internal and external factors. Whatever the cause, the result is usually that we get stuck in certain thought patterns, and are unable to move past them. When we’re struggling to break through one of these blocks, taking time to meditate is like hitting the reset button. When we step away from these patterns, we also step out of them, making it easier to move past them
6. To improves concentration
Meditation is essentially a practice in concentration. Once we learn to concentrate on our breath, notice when we get caught up in thoughts, and return our concentration to our breath, we can translate that skill into any number of settings we choose. Through regular meditation, we also get used to shifting our attention back to the task at hand when it strays.
so now , you must be wondering how to meditate , let’s know more about then
Set timer for 10 minutes , do one thing if you are alone speak and record this steps and follow as it or Ask a friend to read this to you slowly
1. Sit with your hands resting in your lap or on your knees, keeping your back straight.
3. Unfocuse your eyes, gazing into the middle distance.
4. Take five deep breaths, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.
5. On the last exhalation, allow your eyes to close.
6. Slowly settle into your body. Observe your posture and notice the sensations where your body touches the chair and your feet meet the ground.
7. Feel the weight of your arms and hands resting on your legs.
8. Acknowledge your senses: Notice anything you can smell, hear, or taste; sensations of heat, cold, or wind.
9. Turn your mind inward. Scan your body from head to toe, observing any tension or discomfort.
10. Scan again, this time noticing which parts of the body feel relaxed. Spend twenty seconds on each scan.
11. Then turn your awareness to your thoughts. Notice the ones that arise without attempting to alter them.
12. Consider why you’re sitting today. You may realize you’re hoping to stop your thoughts — remind yourself it’s impossible to do this.
13. Next, observe the rising and falling sensation your breathing creates in the body. Notice where the sensations occur, whether they’re in your stomach, chest, or shoulders.
14. Focus on the quality of each breath, noticing whether the breaths are deep or shallow, long or short, fast or slow.
15. It’s normal for thoughts to bubble up at this moment, so simply guide your attention back to the breath when you realize your mind has started to wander.
16. Silently count your breaths as they pass: one as you inhale, two as you exhale, three on the next inhalation, and four on the exhalation, until you reach ten.
17. Then start again at one.
18. Let go of any focus on the breath now. Spend thirty seconds just sitting. You may be inundated with thoughts or feel calm and focused — just let your mind be as it is.
19. Become aware of the physical feelings — the chair beneath you, your feet on the floor, your arms and hands in your lap. Notice anything you can hear, smell, taste, or feel.
20. Slowly open your eyes.
21. Form a clear idea about what you’re going to do next, like brushing your teeth or e-mailing your boss. It’s easy to jump up off the seat and lose the calm you’ve just created. Carry this awareness with you to the next activity.
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