how to stop farting now
how to stop farting now

How to Stop Farting Quick Using Home Remedies:  Farting will disgrace you in your life affecting your relations along with your friend with your family and classmates and also your respected ones. therefore to find out how to stop farting quick is nice way to cure this. easy is that no-one like being around people that fart too much. but we can hardly help it, can we? in the end, it’s natural.


I didn’t want to be one in all those people any more, therefore I began to examine all of the reasons to stop farting so started exploring the related flatulence solution. I looked into and found some quick and natural flatulence treatments .that might guide in immediate gas relief and flatulence treatment at initial stage to stop farting quick. but it became clear that too much farting is can be the massive problems with digestion system.

The most typical reasons of excessive farting are Researchers believe stomach gas and flatulence comes from these primary organic sources.

Natural flatulence causes:

#1 Due to Swallowed Air:

Swallowing air causes stomach ache, burping, gas, and stomach pain. Swallowed air which doesn’t gets released by burping, that air goes through our digestive system and is released as gas (fart).
Even children often swallow air during feeding.

It is essential to burp your child during and after feeding.

#2 Cause of Constipation:

Constipation normally takes place when the movements bowel become less consistent or complicated. The regular occurrence time among movements of bowel varies from each and every individual. Some people beings have bowel movements around 3 times a day although others, may only have it 1 or 2 times a 7 days.

Likely longer than two to three days with no bowel movement is extremely considerable. After 3 days, the stool convert into harder and hard to pass. And causes you passing smelly gas and too much farts.

#3 Eating Certain Foods:

There are specific foods that leads to flatulence as the digestion process does not take place efficiently.
Unnatural Sweeteners can also be a reason of flatulence.

#4 Food Intolerance:

There are some foods that may not fit you and you might not be capable to digest some food. All people beings produce a liquid to digest food we eat, there may be issue with it so you might seek advice from a doctor for this.

$5 Intestinal Diseases:

If you are experiencing the problem of flatulence too much there may be possibilities that you are struggling from some kind of Intestinal Disorders, we recommend you to visit you physician for better cure.

Flatulence treatment by change in lifestyle!

It’s time to bring some change in your day to day way of life to get manage over flatulence problem, follow the methods described below and you will absolutely get control on you farts, so begin following these steps from now: How to stop excessive farting

  • Avoiding Gas-Producing Foods
  • Avoid Constipation Go and Shit
  • Stop Smoking cigarettes and Chewing gum
  • Anxiety and stress Be relaxed
  • Avoid Tight clothing

# best home flatulence cure to get rid of bloated stomach, to stop stinky gas and too much farting!

How to stop farting fast !

Fennel Seeds:

Fennel is best in the list for flatulence cure. You may get gas comfort within 5-10 minutes. Fennel seeds are most effective natural remedies for bloating and are recognized as a highly effective carminative – a herb that helps in gas relief from your intestinal tract.

Here’s how to use it- Just chew gradually a small quantity of fennel seeds or make fennel seeds tea put them in a cup of boiled, hot normal water for 4-9 min & then gradually sip it. You should keep fennel seeds at your house in situation you may need them for your flatulence remedy and to fight your gas.


Ginger is also a organic remedy for stomach and helps in preventing the formation of gas in your stomach, instead than actually getting rid of gas after having it in stomach. Ginger help to stop farting quickly, Here’s how to use it Simply eat some fresh small pieces of ginger or add it in your food.

You may even utilization it by making ginger tea by crushing up some ginger and putting it to a cup of hot water then leave for it for 12 minutes then reheat it and use. Drink 3 times a day for best success. Ginger is a good cure for farting.

Caraway Seeds & Black Seeds:

Black seeds and Caraway seeds are good flatulence remedy and are also very beneficial with indigestion, cramping, flatulence, bloating and stomach gas. If you are asking question to your self why do my farts smell so bad then black seed is solution for you, Here’s how to use it- Just chew some cooked seeds or use them in meals or you may also use it as tea by adding a teaspoon in hot water for 5 minutes and then stir them and drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar is a nature’s gift it is utilized as an all in one medicine also as a natural solution for bloating. why do you have so much gas It is very valuable for all kind of digestive problems. Here’s how to use it, Just take a glass of hot water and add a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in it and sip it slowly. And if you don’t like the flavor use the pills. It is a immediate way to get gas relief.


Pepper mint is one of the simplest and earliest way for getting gas relief and cure of stop farting. Here’s how to use it, Just put some pepper mint leaves to the pot of boiling water and drink it 2-3 times a day. Or you can also add 2 drops of great oil in half cup of awesome water and for much better results drink it two times a day.

Yellow Mustard:

This is a really good gas remedy and provides good results. Here’s how to use it, Just get yellow mustard that contains turmeric as this is also an amazingly powerful gas remedy to stop farting fast. Take a teaspoon full at the time of intestinal gas and then clean down with warm water.


This is also one of a useful remedy as it is quite popular kitchen spice, it provides gas relief and you can use it on daily basis too. Here’s how to use it, Just you can chew on the pods or you can also put some in you ginger tea.

Take Activated Charcoal Tablets:

This is a cure if you have a sever bloating and a stinky gas you can use Activated Charcoal Tablets. Charcoal will not only absorb the excess air in the digestive system, it also absorbs the toxins that cause the nasty smell. The best way time to use this is before dinners.

i hope now you can stop farting 😛 😀

By Dhruval Patel

Blogger | Entrepreneur | Social Media Strategist | | Travel Freak